Glossary of terms
Glossary of terms
Agreed / agreed subject to final apprenticeship standard approval – decision relating to a submission of an occupation proposal, occupational standard and end-point assessment plan during the development stages, before ‘approval’ of the apprenticeship standard in full at the end of the process
Agreed with conditions – decision relating to a submission of an occupation proposal, occupational standard and EPA plan. Conditions outline changes needed or additional evidence required before the submission can be agreed.
Apprenticeship – an apprenticeship is employment with training to industry standards in a recognised occupation. It will involve a substantial programme of on and off-the-job training
Apprenticeship framework – old-style apprenticeship based on qualifications, currently being phased out in England in favour of apprenticeships based on standards developed by employers.
Apprenticeship standard – new-style apprenticeship based on an occupational standard that defines the duties carried out by someone in the occupation and knowledge, skills and behaviours required to achieve that competence in those duties. The apprentice’s occupational competence is tested by an independent, end-point assessment
Approval & Funding Committee – a sub-committee of the Institute’s board. It makes final decisions on the approval of occupational standards and end-point assessment plans and makes final decisions on behalf of the Institute on funding band recommendations
Approved for delivery – an apprenticeship standard that is finalised for apprenticeship starts – occupational standard and end-point assessment plan must be agreed and published and funding band allocated
Conditions – changes needed or additional evidence required before an occupation proposal, occupational standard and/or end-point assessment plan can be agreed
Degree apprenticeship standard – an apprenticeship that mandates a full bachelor’s or master’s degree
Department for Education – responsible for children’s services and education, including higher and further education policy, apprenticeships and wider skills in England
Duty/duties – the activities/competencies that will be carried out by a competent person in a specific occupation; requires the application of knowledge, skills and behaviours in the workplace. Duties always begin with a verb
Education and Skills Funding Agency – agency accountable for funding education and skills for children, young people and adults
End-point assessment – rigorous robust and independent assessment undertaken by an apprentice at the end of training to test that the apprentice can perform in the occupation they have been trained in and can demonstrate the duties, and knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSBs) set out in the occupational standard
End-point assessment organisation (EPAO) – an organisation approved to deliver end-point assessment for a particular apprenticeship standard. EPAOs must be on the register of end-point assessment organisations
Funding band recommendation – recommendation made by the Institute, taking account of information submitted by a trailblazer group. It is notified to trailblazer group when the end-point assessment plan is agreed
Funding bands – each apprenticeship standard is allocated to one of 30 funding bands. The upper limit of each funding band caps the maximum amount of digital funds an employer who pays the levy can use towards an individual apprenticeship
Funding evidence – what you must submit regarding costs of delivery of your apprenticeship standard. Used to inform the Institute’s funding band recommendation
Holistic / synoptic – assessment of an apprentice’s knowledge, skills and behaviours in an integrated way i.e. assessing several KSBs at the same time
Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education – (‘the Institute’) – the body responsible for improving the quality of apprenticeships in England
Integrated degree apprenticeship standard – an apprenticeship that mandates a full bachelor’s or master’s degree, which incorporates the end-point assessment. The higher education institution delivering the degree must be on the register of apprenticeship training providers and the register of end-point assessment organisations
Knowledge, skills and behaviours – what is needed to competently undertake the duties required for an occupational standard
Relationship Manager – primary contact within the Institute for a trailblazer group, who supports you through the entire apprenticeship standard development process
Requirements – what needs to be met when developing an apprenticeship standard. There are requirements relating to trailblazer groups, an apprenticeship occupation, occupational standard and end-point assessment
Route/Pathway – grouping of sectors initially devised as part of the reforms to technical education. There are 15 different routes; pathways are groupings of occupations within a route
Occupation – a recognised job role. The basis for apprenticeship standards
Occupation level – level assigned to an occupation based on its difficulty and degree of autonomy
Occupational profile – description of what someone in the occupation usually does, including duties
Occupational standard – document that details what someone competent in the occupation does – duties and the knowledge, skills and behaviours they require to do it; the basis for apprenticeship standards and T-levels
Standard occupational classification – common classification of occupational information for the UK. It is used to classify workers into occupational categories for the purpose of collecting, calculating, or disseminating data
Route panel – there are 15 sector-based route panels made up of industry experts. They scrutinise occupational standards, end-point assessment plans and funding evidence as part of the Institute’s approvals process. They make recommendations to the Approval and Funding Committee who make the final decisions on submissions
T Levels – T Levels are new, two-year, technical study programmes, designed with employers to give young people the skills that industry needs. They will provide a mixture of:
Technical knowledge and skills specific to their chosen industry or occupation
An industry placement of at least 45 days in their chosen industry or occupation
Relevant maths, English and digital skills.
Trailblazer group – group of employers developing an apprenticeship standard, recognised by the Institute as representative of those who employ people in the occupation
Training provider – any organisation that delivers apprenticeship training. For example, a college, higher education institution, private training organisation. Training providers delivering training for apprenticeships must be on the register of apprenticeship training providers
Valid – referred to in relation to assessment methods; fit for purpose
DfE – Department for Education
AELP- Association of Employer and Learning Providers
AFC – Approvals and Funding Committee
AoC- Association of Colleges
EPA – End-Point Assessment
EPAO – End-Point Assessment Organisation
ESFA – Education and Skills funding Agency
GLH – Guided Learning Hours
HE – Higher Education
HEFCE – Higher Education Funding Council for England
HEI – Higher Education Institution
KSB- Knowledge, Skills, Behaviours
NQF- National Qualifications Framework
NVQ – National Vocational Qualification
OfS – Office for Students
QAA – Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education
RM – Relationship Manager
RoEPAO – Register of End-point Assessment Organisations
RoATP – Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers
RQF – Regulated Qualifications Framework
SOC – Standard Occupational Classification
UVAC- University Vocational Awards Council
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