How will the Augar Review affect the future of Higher Education?

@EDSKthinktank’s #insideyoured podcast #2
It is often said that a week is a long time in politics, and yet it is now almost four years since the former Prime Minister Theresa May announced a review of Post-18 Education and Funding to be led by Philip Augar.
The Review, which was completed in May 2019, provided a detailed analysis of the whole post-18 education sector in England including universities, colleges and apprenticeships.
In fact, it was so detailed that it offered 53 separate recommendations on the future structure and funding of post-18 education. But two and a half years after the Review was published, we are still waiting for the government to decide how they are going to respond to some of the biggest questions raised by the Augar Review.
- Will university tuition fees be cut?
- Will student loans be reformed?
- Will money be taken away from universities and given to colleges instead?
These questions and many more remain unanswered.
To help us understand what has happened with the Augar Review and why it is taking so long for the government to make up their mind, we are joined by two guests who have been following the Augar Review ever since it was announced.
Rachel Hewitt is Chief Executive of MillionPlus, the Association for Modern Universities and previously worked at the Higher Education Policy Institute and the Higher Education Statistics Agency
And Dr Gavan Conlon is a partner at London Economics and a specialist education and labour market economist who has written extensively about higher education fees and funding.
EDSK are delighted to announce the launch of their new podcast called ‘Inside Your Ed’, which will look inside the latest stories from across the education system in England including schools, colleges, apprenticeships and universities.
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