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New research reveals one third of UK employees plan to resign in the next six monthsfe

London, UK, February 2022: Research from Avado, has revealed that over one third (37%) of UK employees plan to resign in the next six months, amounting to an estimated 12 million people. The research investigated office workers’ experiences with People Teams and identified three key areas of improvement, some of which were catalysts for what is currently known as the ‘Great Resignation’. These included: learning and development, fostering relationships between managers and employees, and encouraging positive work culture.

As one of the most cited reasons for resignation, Avado found that a lack of learning and development opportunities has become common across the UK workforce. The research also revealed that 14% of respondents noted that their employers rarely provide online learning opportunities. This statistic is higher for certain demographics, especially respondents aged 55+ (1/5), and those in industries including: travel & transport, manufacturing & utilities, and architecture, engineering & building.

This call for further learning and development opportunities is reflected in the large proportion of employees across industries who do not feel valued by their organisation. Nearly half of BAME respondents (43%) reported the reasons they are likely to resign in the next six months include salary (44%), not feeling valued by their organisations (24%) and lack of development opportunities (24%). There was a general feeling that People Teams could improve on disciplinary measures, relationship management, and ensuring a people-first approach to decision making. The research also emphasises how People Teams’ remit has widened, but this has not been matched by an equal focus on their learning and development.

Dean Corbett, Chief People Officer at Avado, said: The value of developing future-focused skills is evident, to the extent where a large portion of professionals would consider leaving their role if upskilling in areas like data analysis wasn’t offered. As a people leader, it remains a priority to get a diverse range of talent into the workforce. But as HR departments consider how to embed a learning culture within their organisation, they must account for all levels of the business, from interns to the C-suite. Learning is an invaluable tool for people and businesses alike and should be invested in as a priority.”

John Ingham, Director of the John Ingham Strategic HR Academy and report spokesperson, said: “From managing hybrid work to furloughs, whilst maintaining a good business culture and fostering positive relationships amongst employees, HR has a lot riding on their shoulders. And this notion was made clear by this research. If businesses do not invest in HR, and HR do not receive investment in upskilling themselves to keep up with these evolving demands, businesses do not stand a chance at keeping their people satisfied. Training HR departments will be critical in 2022 and beyond.”

For People Teams looking to make a significant contribution to strategic success, they must be equipped to lead the workforce through turbulence. Only by investing in their development can this be possible.

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