Guildford College Art student is accepted onto Royal Academy of Arts programme

Guildford College student, Adam Anscombe, has been accepted on to this year’s prestigious Royal Academy of Arts attRAct programme.
attRAct is a series of free online workshops run by the Royal Academy of Arts for young artists who are keen to progress their talent.
Applicants interview for a place on the programme and also have to create a piece of artwork to showcase their talent as part of the application process.
18 year old Adam created an oil painting of a doughnut as his application piece and has already enjoyed taking part in workshops including a recent life drawing session.
Adam is in his last year at Guildford College and is studying UAL Level 3 Extended Diploma Art, Design and Communication, and he is producing some stunning creations which we very much look forward to displaying at our end of year exhibition in the summer.
He has accepted a place at University of the Creative Arts to study for a degree in Illustration starting this September.
Adam said: “I’m really pleased that I decided to apply for this programme, it’s great fun, I’m learning new techniques and it will also look great on my CV!”
Adam’s Art tutor, Kat Baddeley, said: “We’re really proud of Adam for taking the initiative to apply, and be selected for this programme, and we look forward to seeing how he progresses. We encourage all our students to challenge themselves and get involved in a range of extra curricular activities that will support and enhance their time with us. Adam is a great example of what our students can achieve.”