AELP ask Treasury for clarity on the Kickstart and Apprenticeship schemes

On Wednesday afternoon after the Chancellor’s speech, @AELPUK had very constructive discussions with the Treasury about the jobs and skills plan. These confirmed that the Prime Minister and Rishi Sunak are totally committed to improving young people’s skills to secure sustainable employment.
Regarding the concern that the Kickstart scheme incentives for employers might crowd out new apprenticeship starts, it was made clear the scheme was being aimed at young people with limited skills who are the start of their journey.
The DWP scheme is designed for the young person to work with Jobcentre work coaches and providers over the first 13 weeks to make them work-ready and then place the person on to a work placement for a further 13 weeks with the aim of the employer offering full-time employment and an apprenticeship at the end. A young person on Kickstart can’t start an apprenticeship while on the scheme.
AELP’s Mark Dawe added:
“To borrow the Prime Minister’s words, it appears that the government is using both traineeships and Kickstart to principally target young people in the NEET group and make them ‘oven-ready’ for the world of work and a full apprenticeship. We welcome the clarification which will help providers plan their provision for September.
“Ultimately the take-up for these programmes will be determined by employers but AELP is very pleased that skills for young people are now on the top table in terms of the government’s priorities. This week has seen some very positive developments and providers are ready to play a major part in supporting them.”