AELP launch their vision for a sustainable skills system

The Association of Employment and Learning Providers (AELP) has today published its vision for a sustainable skills system, Skills Means Growth.
AELP has already set out a number of short-term proposals to address major issues in the skills sector – including a significant rise in apprenticeship funding. However, with a General Election on the horizon, AELP has now outlined more details of how it believes any future government should reform the skills system.
Skills Means Growth makes the argument that by investing in skills, the UK can grow its economy and enhance productivity and innovation which will lead to better job opportunities for learners.
In the document, AELP argues that investing in skills means:
- Delivering a skilled workforce that drives efficiency, competitiveness, and technological advancement.
- Putting people at the heart of economic growth by empowering them to thrive and realise their ambitions.
- Empowering individuals to stay ahead of the curve and remain competitive in the job market.
- Nurturing a workforce capable of embracing innovation and technological change.
- Offering a chance for all individuals to realize their potential.
AELP outlines five key aims for the skills system: a sustainable and integrated national skills strategy; the promotion and enabling of greater learner choice; a simplified, high-quality apprenticeship system; learning opportunities for all; and an approach to functional skills that delivers for learners and employers. Within these five aims are 31 policy recommendations, which outline AELP’s priorities for government action.
Nichola Hay MBE, AELP Chair, said:
“Given the gravity of the situation, it is vital the government acts in short term to stabilise the skills system but we also need to address the long-term challenges faced by the sector. Britain needs a skills system that is cohesive, aligned with skills needs, and future proofed to give learners the platform to succeed. We know that investing in skills is essential for unlocking economic growth. Skills enhance productivity and innovation, leading to better job opportunities for learners and the creation of new industries.
“This vision document outlines a set of powerful asks and principles designed to galvanise action at the highest levels of government. We look forward sharing our vision for the skills system with policymakers and ask them to recognise the centrality of employment and learning providers in building resilient, inclusive economies and societies.”
Simon Ashworth, AELP Director of Policy, said:
“Independent training providers are an essential part of the post 16 education system, delivering most apprenticeships and 89% of skills bootcamps. Skills policy needs to be joined up and coherent with a national skills strategy, giving learners clear choices, while allowing providers to plan for the future. Skills Means Growth outlines our vision for how government can support them to achieve more for learners and employers across the country.