AS / A Level and GCSE Centre Determined Grades – Appeals

Provisional grades will be released on Wednesday 9 June. If you feel that any of your grades do not reflect the evidence from your assessments, you have the opportunity to ask for your grade to be reviewed. In line with Qualifications Wales guidelines, you can initially request that the College reviews the grade.
Please note that a review or appeal may result in your grade remaining the same, being raised or being lowered.
The following process is specific to this summer’s CDG process and this appeals process supersedes the current College appeals procedure. If you are still unhappy with the grade after the review, you will be able to appeal to the WJEC.
Centre Review Request Process:
Stage 1:
Once you have had your grades on Wednesday 9 June, if you believe an error has taken place you have 48 hours to request the Decision Making Record (DMR). This will be information that has been used to decide upon your final grade. You will need to complete and submit this form to request your Decision Making Record. The form must be submitted by 4pm on Friday 11 June.
If you have any trouble accessing the form then please phone our Helpline on 01792 890719 / 890787.
Please note that your teachers will not be able to discuss your grades or assist in the review process as these will be carried out by College managers.
Stage 2:
If, on receiving the copy of your DMR, you still believe there has been an error in the determination of your grade, you then have five working days to decide whether to request a Centre review.
Details on how to do this will be sent to you directly when you are sent your Decision Making Report and a link will be placed on the College website. The link will be available from Wednesday 16 June and will close on Tuesday 22 June at 4pm.
Please see our Covid FAQ’s for more details (Information about Summer Assessments section).