From education to employment

Behavioural Insights can help tackle a diverse range of educational challenges

Tackling disinformation and combatting sexual harassment on the agenda as world’s leading behavioural scientists gathers in London

The Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) is bringing the Behavioural Exchange 2019 (BX2019) conference back to London.

BX2019, the world’s leading behavioural science conference, will gather together leading policy-makers, academics and practitioners to explore new frontiers in behavioural science.

The conference will show how Behavioural Insights can help tackle a diverse range of challenges from fake news, social cohesion and integration to combatting sexual harassment and the Universal Basic Income.

Speakers include some of the world’s leading behavioural scientists; Cass Sunstein, Dan Ariely, and Tali Sharot. As well as figures from the policy making world such as former Chief of Staff to Tony Blair, Jonathan Powell and the Cabinet Secretary, Sir Mark Sedwill.

Seminars include Combatting sexual harassment and assault through a behavioural lensTackling disinformation with behavioural science and What happens when you give people money for free? The diverse range of these seminars show the potential of Behavioural Insights to solve major policy issues.

Dr David Halpern, Chief Executive of the Behavioural Insights Team, said:

“The Behavioural Exchange is an opportunity to demonstrate our work and come up with further innovative solutions to 21st century problems. The diverse range of issues that behavioural insight has the potential to solve, demonstrates why is it is vital that policy makers include it in their decisions.

“The range of speakers from Professor Cass Sunstein to Sir Mark Sedwill, shows the current interest in behavioural science already and the faith that people have placed in it to make the world better through practical policy solutions”.

About the Behavioural Insights Team: A social purpose company,  BIT was mutualised in 2014 and is part owned by the Cabinet Office; Nesta (the innovation charity); and its employees.

The team works to generate and apply behavioural insights to inform policy, improve public services and deliver results for citizens and society. BIT works in partnership with governments, local authorities, businesses and charities, often using simple changes to tackle major policy problems.
BIT started life as part of the UK government in 2010 and now has offices around the world. The team’s work spanned 31 countries in the last year alone.

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