ConstructionSkills Welcomes Tomlinson Report

ConstructionSkills, the Sector Skills council for the construction industry responded to the Tomlinson Report saying that “it welcomed the opportunity it offers to ensure that young people are given the education, training and skills required to meet the needs of the construction industry.”
Peter Lobban, the CITB-Construction Skill Chief Executive commented on the report saying, “[The report] represents a real attempt to address the longstanding and unnecessary distinction between vocational and academic programs of learning.”
This report will impact significantly on the education and training of young people who would like to enter the construction industry and Lobban adds that “ConstructionSkills looks forward to working with other stakeholders, including government, to develop these proposal in such a way that together we can realize the enormous potential benefits for the construction industry.”
As the industry voice for construction, ConstructionSkills seeks to ensure that these reforms will have the maximum benefit and well placed to lead the way, as it already has a strong history of work with the education sector.