Countries must make education and training a top priority to compete #Skills4Future

Skills for The Future: Managing Transition Turin, Italy, 21-22 November.
Cesare Onestini, Director of the European Training Foundation (ETF), has called for countries in and around the European Union to make education and training their number one priority if they want to compete in the global markets of the future.
Speaking at the ETF conference Skills for the Future: Managing Transition, Cesare Onestini said,
“Challenges like globalisation and digitalisation are obvious to all by now, but solutions are not. Responses vary from country to country and region to region, according to their specific context. But in a globalised world, we must work together to create solutions that are equitable, effective, and sustainable. The common thread for all countries is the crucial role of education and training in enabling them to develop and thrive.”
More than 300 delegates from 50 countries heard from three European Commissioners, and speakers from the countries where the ETF works, as well as European Union member states, and international organisations. Nearly 5,000 unique viewers followed the proceedings via the ETF live stream and on Facebook. There was agreement that while we can’t predict the future, we can’t afford to wait for it to happen. Action is needed to realise the opportunities that transformation brings.
Discussions focused on drivers of the rapid changes in the world of work, from identifying competitive skills and empowering teachers and trainers, to building meaningful public-private partnerships and harnessing emerging technologies. Conclusions included calls for bold leadership at all levels, more inclusive partnerships and a commitment to innovative policy making, so that countries can actively shape their futures.