Fife College to credit rate new Teaching in Colleges Today qualifications

Fife College (@fifecollege) has been awarded the contract to credit rate two new ‘Teaching in Colleges Today’ qualifications launched by College Development Network (CDN).
The courses will provide college lecturers with formal accreditation of their learning, and were created to better meet the initial professional development needs of new college lecturers coming into the sector.
The qualifications were initially established in 2013, and since then hundreds of individuals across Scotland have been awarded certificates.
Fife College worked together with CDN to set-up a rigorous three-stage independent accreditation process for the new courses, which will now be delivered in colleges across Scotland. The two new courses were credit rated and are now formally recognised on the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) at levels 7 and 8.
Iain Hawker, Assistant Principal at Fife College said:
“We are delighted to have had the opportunity to work with College Development Network to credit rate this suite of refreshed teaching qualifications for new lecturers.
“Teaching in Colleges Today provides a sound platform for new lecturers to gain the knowledge and understanding of professional teaching practice and is an important part of career long professional learning and development for lecturers.
“As a SCQF Ambassador College and a SCQF Credit Rating Body, Fife College is keen to work with current and new partners seeking to have their training courses recognised as a formal qualification, and this is a great example of such partnership working.”
Jonny Rees, Head of Professional Development at CDN said:
“We are really pleased to be working with Fife College on our two new Teaching in Colleges Today qualifications, which have been developed to better meet the initial professional development needs of new college lecturers coming into the sector.
“As with CDN’s original Teaching in Colleges Today unit, an extensive online platform has been developed to support candidates from across the sector who will be certificated following the successful external verification of assessment evidence by CDN.”