Specification of apprenticeship standards for England (SASE)

Sets out the minimum requirements for the inclusion of an apprenticeship programme in a recognised English apprenticeship framework.
Specification of apprenticeship standards for England (SASE)
Ref: DFE-00236-2018PDF, 440KB, 28 pages
Specification of apprenticeship standards for England (SASE): information requirement
Ref: BIS/13/687PDF, 146KB, 5 pages
Specification of apprenticeship standards for England (SASE): guidance
Ref: BIS/15/15PDF, 158KB
This guidance is for:
- training providers and employers developing apprenticeship programmes
- developers of apprenticeship frameworks
- issuing authorities for apprenticeship frameworks
The specification of apprenticeship standards (SASE) sets out the minimum statutory requirements that training providers and employers must meet when submitting an apprenticeship programme for inclusion in a framework.
The information requirement sets out the non-statutory requirements for supporting information that framework developers should include in an annex to an apprenticeship framework.
Framework developers and issuing authorities must consult the SASE guidance when deciding whether a submission to a framework complies with the minimum requirements.
The live list of apprenticeship frameworks is also available.
Under our reforms, employer-designed apprenticeship standards will replace apprenticeship frameworks. From 2017 onwards as many apprenticeship starts as possible will be on the new standards.
Published 7 March 2013
Last updated 17 August 2018 + show all updates
- Updated ‘Specification of apprenticeship standards for England (SASE)’ to reflect recent changes to the English, maths and ICT requirements in apprenticeships approved by the Secretary of State.
- Updated SASE specification to reflect changes to the English and maths requirements in apprenticeships as approved by the Secretary of State.
- Amended the ‘Specification of apprenticeship standards’ to include British sign language as an alternative qualification to English.
- SASE specification document updated to cover the removal of the regulatory rules for the Qualifications Credit Framework (QCF) and the introduction of the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF).
- The main Specification of Apprenticeship Standards for England (SASE) document and the related guidance document have been updated. They now incorporate modifications to the specification of ‘Functional Skills / GCSE / Other Alternatives’.
- Published updated versions of the Specification of Apprenticeship Standards for England and the related Information Requirements and Guidance.
- First published.
Guidance and regulation
- Search for apprenticeship standards
- Detailed guide
- Employing an apprentice
- Guide
- Apprenticeship funding bands
- Guidance