Homeless people given shelter & training at the Millennium Dome over Christmas Period

Crisis have opened the doors to the Millennium Dome today to provide shelter and training for London’s homeless over the Christmas period from 23rd to the 30th December.
This year Crisis, the national homelessness charity, will be launching its “Be Inspired” area at the Dome. Alongside basic medical and healthcare services homeless people will be able to take part in workshops from plumbing to IT and art to basic numeracy.
Shaks Ghosh, Chief Executive of Crisis said:
“Giving warmth and comfort is great. But it is not enough to move people out of homelessness. We need to give people the confidence and skills they need. The Dome was designed to be a building that inspired people. This Christmas it will inspire homeless people to rebuild their lives.”
This year Crisis will be increasing its efforts to connect homeless people to courses and training in the New Year, including those at the Crisis Skylight activity centre, which runs year round.