Changes and Choices: Future frameworks for international collaboration on research and innovation

Professor Sir Adrian Smith has provided independent advice on the design of future UK funding schemes for international collaboration, innovation and research.
In March 2019 Professor Sir Adrian Smith was commissioned by BEIS to provide independent advice on the design of future UK funding schemes for international collaboration, innovation and research.
In particular, Professor Sir Adrian was asked to advise on how funding future international collaboration, from curiosity-driven ‘discovery’ funding through to innovation, could best be designed to positively impact science, research and innovation in the UK. This would support the government’s strategic objectives, including the Industrial Strategy and its commitment to 2.4% of GDP invested in R&D by 2027.
In response to the publication of Professor Sir Adrian Smith’s report “Changes and Choices” today, Alistair Jarvis, Chief Executive of Universities UK, said:
“Securing associated country status to Horizon Europe will help the UK to continue to work seamlessly with research partners in, and beyond, Europe and attract the brightest minds from across the world.
“The report is right to recommend a balance between flexible funding and funding which would support specific international collaborations. Research funding decisions should be made based on excellence not political priorities. We support the emphasis on further improvements in visa policy and increased funding for research fellowship.
“Ensuring sustainable funding for institutions is crucial to enabling universities to realise their potential and help the government achieve its ambitious Industrial Strategy targets which includes increasing the UK’s investment in R&D to 2.4% of GDP by 2027.”
Professor Graeme Reid from University College London worked with Sir Adrian during the preparation of this advice. The advice team held evidence gathering meetings across the UK and in Brussels.
Government will now consider this advice.

Changes and choices: advice on future frameworks for international collaboration on research and innovation
PDF, 4.32MB, 59 pages
Terms of Reference
PDF, 81.2KB, 2 pages
Call for evidence
To inform the advice, we launched a call for evidence which closed on 24 May.
4 November 2019: Written Ministerial Statement
26 March 2019 – news story: Professor Sir Adrian Smith appointed to provide advice on the future of European and international collaboration
26 March 2019 – Written Ministerial Statement
Published 26 March 2019
Last updated 5 November 2019 + show all updates
- Review published.
- First published.