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Ineco Energy and Coventry Council Kick-Start Solar PV Programme to Cut School’s Carbon

  • Coventry City Council and solar partner, Ineco Energy Limited (@inecoenergy), have this week begun installing 2.1 MWp of rooftop solar across 41 Coventry City Council public buildings.
  • Phase 1 which is funded by Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS) grants, will install solar PV at six Coventry schools before the new term as well as Coventry Central Library, a Council office building, and Windmill Road Cemetery.
  • Phase 2 will see solar PV being installed across 32 further Coventry City Council public buildings. This phase is funded through European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) grant funding.
  • The ambitious solar programme will generate 1,840 MWh of energy and could save Coventry City Council up to £276,000 annually. Over the lifetime of the projects, this will save the carbon equivalent of planting 9,766 trees.

Coventry City Council have selected Ineco Energy to partner with on the delivery of solar PV solutions across 41 locations. The Solar PV systems form part of a wider decarbonisation strategy which will deliver carbon reductions and renewable energy generation improvements across a number of council sites, including social care centres, libraries, leisure centres and local schools.

The first phase of solar PV projects, which kicks off this week, is funded by the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS). Subsequent phases are part of ongoing decarbonisation plans funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Ineco Energy will manage the full end-to-end contract for the design, supply, installation, and verification of the solar PV projects within the scope of the PSDS and ERDF projects.

Angus Rose, Managing Director of Ineco Energy said:

“We’re extremely proud to be helping Coventry Council to reduce its carbon footprint with the installation of solar PV across the region. There has never been a more important time to reduce the carbon footprint of our communities and secure a greener future for generations to come.

“This part of the project, funded by PSDS, only scratches the surface of the ambitious project with Coventry City Council. The ongoing decarbonisation plans funded by ERDF will allow the Council to make buildings more energy efficient and help the region reach its net zero target.”

Councillor Jim O’Boyle cabinet member for jobs, regeneration and climate change said:

“We are pleased to be working with Ineco Energy to deliver on our ambitious environmental targets. This solar project will see over 5,000 solar panels installed on 41 Council buildings.

“This investment will help to reduce carbon, costs and of course our impact on climate change for years to come. After much work it will be great to see the first solar PV system being installed by Ineco Energy. 

“Leveraging funding from both PSDS and ERDF has made it possible to deliver our ambition of maximising self-generation. Hopefully, this is just the beginning of a solar revolution in Coventry and it’s fitting that the first panels are going in on a number of our schools – where the next generation is learning about how it can do more to protect the world.”

Councillor Dr Kindy Sandhu cabinet member for education and skills said:

“I’m really pleased to see some of the city’s schools included in this project. We know how great an interest our school children take in the effects of climate change and want to know what they can do to help our planet. This is a great opportunity for them to see a practical solution in action in their very own buildings.”

Ineco Energy specialises in the development, installation, and ongoing management of renewable and energy-efficient solutions for Local Authorities, schools and businesses within England and Wales.

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