National College for High Speed Rail partnership opens doors to 25,000 new jobs

Newham College is proud to announce the start of a partnership with the National College for High Speed Rail which hopes to attract the next generation of talent and sets to create 25,000 new jobs.
The partnership between Newham College and the National College for High Speed Rail brings innovative high-speed learning provision to the London area. The National College opened its doors to learners in 2017 at two sites – in Birmingham and Doncaster – with the objective of training, encouraging and developing the next generation of talent, including technicians, engineers and project managers, needed in the UK rail and transport infrastructure sector – for projects such as Crossrail 2 and HS2.
The opportunity for new talent joining the sector is vast – at least 7,200 engineering and technical workers will be needed to work in High Speed Rail in the UK by 2020. There will be more than 100,000 job opportunities across Britain, with HS2 alone set to create 25,000 new jobs.
Claire Mowbray, Chief Executive, National College for High Speed Rail, Rt. Hon Stephen Timms MP, and other executive members were in attendance today to celebrate the start of an exciting partnership; a memorandum of understanding was signed today between Clair Mowbray and Paul Stephen, Principal and CEO at Newham College.
Claire explains the partnership with Newham College is to build a network of providers to deliver high quality, technical education for the transport and infrastructure sector:
“Our aim was to establish a partnership in London – a location in the capital, close to London-based employers and projects.
“We felt we aligned well to Newham College for a number of reasons, including its reputation and vision aligning to ours, its well-established engineering offer, and the successful Institute of Technology bid, creating the London Institute of Transport Technology.
Rt. Hon Stephen Timms MP, expressed his delight with the new partnership, and how the London 2012 Olympic Games had led to big scale changes and new opportunities in East London:
“People here in Newham have a great deal to offer to employers looking for bright young people with great potential – Newham College has a big history with the Rail Industry and I’m sure the talent found here in the college will make great contributions.”