National Statistics: Pupil absence in schools in England: autumn term 2018

This is the first of three planned absence publications relating to the 2018 to 2019 academic year, and relates to the autumn term only.
Main text
PDF, 796KB, 7 pages
National tables
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 120KB
National tables
ODS, 95.4KB
This file is in an OpenDocument format
Underlying data
ZIP, 25.2MB
This release provides information on the levels of overall, authorised and unauthorised absence in:
- state-funded primary schools
- state-funded secondary schools
- state-funded special schools
It includes information on:
- reasons for absence
- persistent absence
- absence information for pupil referral units
The release uses pupil-level absence data that we collect in the school census.
A guide on how we produce pupil absence statistics is also available.
School absence and exclusions team
Email[email protected]
Telephone: Mark Pearson 0114 274 2585
Published 30 May 2019