NKC Student named Apprentice of the Year at local Business awards

AAT Accountancy apprentice Jay Titterrell was delighted to be announced as the winner of the Dartford Apprentice of the Year 2017/18 at last night’s Dartford Business Awards.
The ‘Skills and Employability’ category, sponsored by North Kent College, saw 3 apprentices nominated for the award, with Jay announced winner at the event. He received an engraved plaque and £50 of Bluewater vouchers as his award.
Jay is employed by BDP International Ltd, based at Crossways Business Park in Dartford and was nominated by his HR Administrator UK & Ireland, Hazel Davey, along with his Apprentice Assessor Jill Barksby of North Kent College.
Hazel’s nomination stated “Jay has been with BDP International Ltd for 18 months now and during this time has grown in confidence, both in the delivery of his role as Finance Apprentice and in terms of his personal development. Jay excels in his ability to learn and adapt to new situations, he is also making significant progress with his studies scoring very highly in Level 2, so we are looking forward to similar success in Level 3.
Jay is a lively member of staff whose enthusiasm for his work and development is always evident. Jay readily contributes in a positive way to office social activities, lending a hand and offering assistance to anyone when needed.”
It was this nomination, along with his 100% attendance at College and good exam results at Level 2 that secured him as winner of the award. Jay is now studying as a Level 3 apprentice in AAT Accountancy in evening classes at the College.
Jay, 21, from Fawkham said after receiving the award “”I was so shocked to win the award as I know there are many other apprentices in Dartford who work hard at college as well as in their jobs. I would also like to congratulate the other two nominees as it is still such an achievement to get nominated.”
The 2 other nominees, Jay Porter an apprentice carpenter with AJS Contracts and Luke Shields, motor vehicle apprentice with Orchard Garage, both received certificates of commendation from Dartford Borough Council.