From education to employment

Nyenrode Business University students launch innovative Change Management business

Four Nyenrode students led by Stijn van der Vat and alongside their university mentor Herman van der Meulen have created Deepler -a new software tool designed to allow employers and employees to join forces and determine, understand and guide change in companies (@NyenrodeBU). 

Research shows that 70% of businesses fail due to insufficient support amongst employees. The biggest risk for companies is not losing customers, but losing employees who carry innovation.

Deepler provides companies with a way for employers to join forces with employees, by combining their input and smart software. Deepler allows companies and employees to evolve and adapt together. It allows employers to revitalize change and continuously improve their organization. Together, they can overcome challenges and build resilience.

According to Stijn van der Vat,

 “Nokia, Blackberry, Yahoo and Kodak prove that innovating and adapting to demand is key to future-proofing a business. Innovation and change are therefore the themes that play a role in every firm.”

The Nyenrode students pitched their business plan online to a jury of Web Summit 2021, the largest innovation and start-up fair in the world. After the online pitch and conversation about their vision for the future of business, they were selected to attend and tell their story in Lisbon.

The Lisbon event will take place from the November 1 to 4 this year. At the fair, the boards of the largest multinationals in the world (including KPMG, Google, Amazon,, etc.) come to look at the latest innovations to invest in or to incorporate them for their own organization.

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