Promethean introduces ActivLearning

Global leader in interactive classroom solutions, Prometheanhas unveiled ‘ActivLearning’ (,a new, enhanced version of its online professional development site, formerlyPromethean Learning. Representing the next generation of professionaldevelopment for users of interactive technologies, ActivLearning has beendeveloped to ensure teachers are better equipped to use ActivClassroomsolutions to maximum effect in the classroom.
ActivLearning features free, introductory courses, includinginteractive tutorials on a range of topics, aimed at supporting professionaldevelopment. The first of these is an ‘Introduction to ActivInspire’,Promethean’s latest interactive whiteboard software. This course includesinstruction on effective use of the software and how to integrate it intopedagogy, along with advice on incorporating Promethean’s ActivClassroomsolutions, including its ActivExpression Learner Response System and ActivArenadual pen function. Another new addition is ‘Migrating to ActivInspire’, whichis designed to support teachers making the transition from early versions ofPromethean or other interactive whiteboard software. Designed for ease of use and catering for a variety of pre-existingknowledge and skill levels, all new online courses are modular, enablingteachers to complete programmes in bite-sized chunks at their own pace. Coursesare also personalised for primary and secondary practitioners, meaning teachersestablish relevant skills that can be readily applied in lessons.
ActivLearning now also features two new certificatedcourses, ‘Level One Core Skills for ActivInspire’ and ‘Level One AdvancedSkills Workshop’. These courses provide teachers with the opportunity to establisha sound knowledge of the software, and through an on-line assessment, gain acertificate of competence. This certificate can then be used as evidence ofcontinuing professional development (CPD).
In addition, ActivLearning enables teachers to find out moreabout the advanced ‘Developing Interactive Whiteboard Pedagogies’ course,created in conjunction with Manchester Metropolitan University.
Matthew Gingell, Group Training Manager at Promethean,explains the reasoning behind the launch of ActivLearning: “In a recent surveyof UK classroom teachers, Promethean found that just 45% of respondents wereconfident with using an interactive whiteboard in lessons. Consequently, wehave looked at how we can improve and evolve training options for teachers tomake them more accessible and easier for the time-pressured practitioner tocomplete.
“The result is a straightforward programme of onlinetraining options that equip teachers with practical best practice advice andideas that may be used in everyday teaching. Designed to complement and enhancepersonal training delivery, the online courses provide schools with a viablemeans to introduce interactive technologies prior to in-school trainingsessions, and for teachers, offer a way to continually update and enhance theirskills as they become adept at using these solutions in the classroom.”
ActivLearning is now accessed via Promethean Planet, theworld’s largest interactive whiteboard community. The online courses can befound at further source of help and advice, Promethean Planet provides a platform forteachers to discuss interactive pedagogy with their peers, as well as obtaintop tips and guidance from educational technology specialists.