Rathbone Training call for a balanced apprenticeships system that works for all young people

National youth training charity Rathbone Training believe the recent surge in levy-funded apprenticeships at higher and degree-level is positive, but that government must work harder to make sure that the system provides opportunities at all levels, for everyone.
The take up of higher or degree apprenticeships – those at level four and above –from levy paying businesses rose sharply from 740 in August to 3,880 in September.
Rathbone Training supports young people across the country to realise their potential and achieve their goals. The charity says this apprenticeship growth will boost business and help create more employment opportunities for all young people, but only if a balanced system and funding is in place.
“We believe that more higher-level apprenticeships are a good thing for the UK economy. We know that improving management capability is critical to helping businesses become more productive and to grow. And growth is a good thing for everyone, because it creates more opportunities for everyone,” said Ian Webber, Managing Director of Rathbone Training.
“But, we are clear that helping more people to climb further up the ladder cannot be at the cost of pulling up the ladder behind them. We need to build a truly sustainable skills system that enables everyone to fulfil their potential.”
Rathbone Training works with over 8,000 young people in England, Scotland and Wales every year, providing support and training through study programmes, traineeships and apprenticeships that enable them to learn, progress and achieve success in their chosen careers as well as become young adults who play a positive role in society.
“We call on the government to ensure that there is sufficient funding and balance in the system to ensure that we can also deliver more apprenticeships and other opportunities for young people – especially those who are most at risk of being left behind,” added Ian Webber.
“We also call on employers to think broadly about how they can use their apprenticeship levy and other investment in training to develop their workforce at every level, fulfil their corporate social responsibility agendas and drive growth from the bottom up by creating real opportunities for Britain’s young people.”
More information on how Rathbone Training supports businesses by providing them with work-ready young people who bring enthusiasm, skills and drive, follow Rathbone Training on Twitter or like them on Facebook.