SERC Achieve Carers Federation Quality Standard in Carer Support

South Eastern Regional College (@S_ERC) has achieved the Carers Federation Quality Standard in Carer Support accreditation through the Driving Change Project.
Kieran McKenna, SERC Campus Manager (Bangor) and SERC Lead Carer said, “We are delighted to have achieved the Carers Federation Quality Standard in Carer Support accreditation. Student Carers must cope with the extra pressure of caring for a loved one and this award acknowledges that we recognise their contribution and have robust Student Carer support services in place.
He added, “SERC work closely with the South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust and Action for Children to provide wraparound support for Student Carers covering finance, networking and physiological needs.”
The Quality Standard in Carer Support assessment report on SERC observed “The policy is clear and comprehensive, covering roles and responsibilities, raising awareness, Carers Lead, recognition and support, adjustments and considerations, working with external partners, and improving outcomes. Staff and students are informed of the policy through training modules and regular email updates. Students were given the opportunity to provide feedback on the policy which resulted a number providing feedback to influence its final form.”
SERC students can receive confidential support by contacting [email protected]. The Student Carers team assess each carer’s personal situation and identify what support mechanisms are available through SERC and via the SEHSCT and Action for Children which includes access to free courses, networking sessions and financial support.