Skills for Health need your contribution to Pharmacy Services Apprenticeships SCQF L6 & L8 review

Skills for Health (@skillsforhealth) champion the benefits of workforce development and learning based on ensuring a nationally recognised level of competence for a particular task or job. As the Sector Skills Council for Health they develop and maintain these competences – National Occupational Standards (NOS) – for healthcare occupations across the UK.
In Scotland, Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SVQs) and Competence Based Qualifications are used to assess occupational competence. The SVQs form the basis of the health Modern and Technical Apprenticeships in Scotland.
To ensure the availability of an appropriate range of qualifications and Apprenticeship Frameworks, Skills for Health work closely with the Scottish Qualifications Authority, Skills Development Scotland and the Pharmacy Sector in Scotland, and they are currently reviewing and updating the Modern Apprenticeship for Pharmacy Support Staff and the Technical Apprenticeship for Pharmacy Technicians.
To do this, it is vital they gain the views and expertise of those working in the Scottish pharmacy sector, as well as those delivering the qualification and training, on the content of these Apprenticeships.
To have your say, please find details of how to contribute your feedback with a short consultation here, which is open until midday, Tuesday 22nd December 2020.