TCHC Brings Skills and Growth Service to London

AEB Funding in London’s lower paid workers.
The Consultancy Home Counties Ltd (TCHC) has won funding for its Skills and Growth Service from the Greater London Authority’s (GLA) Adult Education Budget (AEB). The service brings together 13 specialist organisations to deliver a transformative service for employed Londoners. The Service will engage learners, predominantly through their employers, supporting the priority sectors identified by Local London and Central London Forward which cover Central, East and South East London.
The funding is part of the GLA’s Skills for London Strategy and is part funded by the European Social Fund, which aims to empower all Londoners to access education and skills, so that they can progress in education, work and support their local community and the London economy.
TCHC is focusing on Central and East London where there is a high proportion of low skills in the workplace linked to low pay, reduced opportunities and limited social mobility. Full funding is available for Londoners to gain a Level 2 qualification who earn less than the London Living Wage of £10.55 per hour or £19,890 pa. For those earning more than the London Living Wage, funding is available for learners first full Level 2 and /or 3*. All learners have a statutory entitlement to full funding for English and/or Maths up to and including Level 2. TCHC’s Functional Skills provision will be for English and Maths from Entry Level to Level 2. The training and qualifications provided by TCHC will give London the skills and education levels it needs to guarantee the success of its economy and meet the current and future needs of employers.
The Skills and Growth Service will support 3043 people in Central and East London who are in lower paid work and help them to gain skills and qualifications such as Digital, ICT, Team Leading and Management, Functional Skills Maths, Functional Skills English, ESOL, Drylining, Bookkeeping and Dementia Care, enabling opportunities to improve their work prospects, gain promotion and support social mobility. Sectors highlighted for support include Digital and Creative, Health and Social Care, Construction, Retail, Education, Business and Finance, Childcare, Warehousing and Storage and the Food Industry.
Courtney Grinham, Managing Director of TCHC, an Ofsted ‘GOOD’ Provider said:
“We are delighted to have won this funding to support in work and unemployed Londoners. TCHC strives to support all our learners to achieve by working with likeminded partners to remove barriers to learning and employment, to enable those we work with to succeed. TCHC has 15 years’ experience of supporting those in the workplace to develop the skills they need to achieve better prospects, such as promotion and improved salary.”
“This funding will give us the opportunity to continue this work and enable people to reach their full potential, by doing this we will also be supporting local communities, businesses and the economy.”
TCHC will start their programmes in London from 1 August 2019 until July 2023.
Full funding is available for Londoner to gain a Level 2 qualification who earn less than the London Living Wage of £10.55 per hour or £19,890 pa.
For those earning more than the London Living Wage funding is available for learners first full level 2 and or 3*.
All learners have a statutory entitlement to full funding for English and/or Maths up to and including Level 2. TCHC Functional Skills provision will be for English and Maths from Entry Level to Level 2.
Individuals who earn more than the London Living Wage are fully funded if aged 19-23 for their first Level 2 or 3, individuals aged 24 or over are co-funded.