Tell us your thoughts on social care traineeships

We’re looking to understand the relevance and value of traineeships in adult social care.
A traineeship is an education and training programme with work experience that unlocks the great potential of young people, aged 16 to 24, ensuring they are ‘work ready’. At the core of traineeships are high-quality work experience placements, work preparation training, and English and maths teaching and qualifications if needed. The ultimate aim is to give young people the skills and experience that employers are looking for, helping them secure an apprenticeship or other job in the future. Trainees are not paid, and there is no cost to the employer apart from time.
If you’re an adult social care employer please complete our survey to give us your thoughts on traineeships. Your feedback will help us to shape the support we can provide you. The survey closes on Friday 21 July at 5pm.
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