The Tutor.Class education platform celebrates 100,000 users across the globe

The international online learning platform Tutor.Class is pleased to report that it has reached over 100,000 users globally. Approximately 80,000 of them are users of the Russian version of the platform, who are teachers and tutors from Russia and the CIS, and more than 20,000 people use other language versions.
‘Autumn is the traditional high season for educational services, and since August we have been recording a noticeable increase in the number of registrations on the platform,’ said Levon Danilyants, Tutor.Class’ CEO. According to him, in September and October, about 1000-1200 users were registering on the site every week, most of them being teachers from Russia. Kazakhstan and Belarus also generated noticeable frow. Tutor.Class only counts teachers and schools as users, on top of that there are over 500,000 students registered with the platform.
International users are mainly based in the US and UK. The English version is also used by teachers from Germany, Canada, India and Sweden. ‘We have high hopes for the Spanish speaking audiences. The Hipanic version of the platform is still in beta mode, but there is already tremendous interest from visitors from Latin America,’ says Levon Danilyants.
‘From the very beginning, we focused on the rapid updates of the platform and expanding its functionality. Users provide feedback on their desires, and we will quickly implement those — this is how the formulas editor, file storage functions, various options for gridlines for online boards, as well as work with videos and presentations were added,’ he noted.
Tutor.Class, an international platform that helps organize online learning, was launched in 2019. The platform allows teachers and tutors to conduct individual and group lessons, form classrooms, and store lecture notes. In October 2020, the number of platform users reached 100,000. The company’s headquarters is located in Moscow, Russia.