The UK and Turkey relationship strengthen by the rollout of manager training programme

The UK company Global Growth Institute (GGI) works with governments, companies and leaders across the globe to maximise their investment in people. GGI launched their bespoke leadership programme World Class Manager (WCM) in the prestigious British Consulate in Istanbul, Turkey on the 26th of April 2018.
The programme will be rolled out across the region to help young Turkish leaders and managers to benefit from the best practices from thousands of managers around the world and to meet global management standards.
Wayne Clarke from the GGI said:
“The launch in Turkey is incredibly significant to us because of the potential and scale of change we can achieve. Turkey has a fast-growing economy and 50% of their population is under 30 years old. The rollout of the WCM in Turkey would fulfil our desire to make an impact on the international level.”
“The Department for International Trade has been extremely helpful in helping us to establish our partnership with Turkey and we appreciate their help in allowing us to hold the event at the location,” he added.
The WCM has a big impact on the relationship between the UK and Turkey as the programme puts managers from both countries into one ecosystem where they can share and learn from each other.
Ismail Haznedar, the Managing Director of Stratejik Isler Danismanlik said that the current economic challenges in Turkish economy present huge opportunities.
He said:
“Majority of the Turkish companies are at the growth stage now, but they lack something very important and very crucial – the global experience.”
The WCM offers the global perspective. Future managers from some of the local Turkish companies will have the opportunity to learn from the experience of other international and global companies. This should bring a great value to them and help to boost their growth process.
Ismail Haznedar added:
“We have participated in Turkey Management Innovation Forum and took part in a panel session about technology and shaping the future management in Turkey. It was highlighted that people and human capital in particular, should be the main strength of our country. We need to invest in our talents, engage with them and create opportunities for them.”
About GGI: GGI helps to make the strategy work. GGI work with Governments, companies and leaders to get the best out of their people. They positively impact workplace cultures, customer experiences and the bottom line.
GGI clients range from Fortune 500 financial service companies to private equity-backed global technology businesses. The GGI worked with over 500 CEOs in over 50 countries, covering a diverse number of sectors from pharmaceuticals to oil and gas.