Training launched to help address skills shortage in Energy Efficiency Sector

A leading Further Education College has introduced an accredited level 2 certificate in insulation and building treatments qualification designed to help address the skills shortage in the energy efficiency sector and upskill and accredit installers working in the cavity wall insulation industry. The course is the first of its kind in Northern Ireland.
In their mission to help create a green economy for Northern Ireland Energystore, based in Lisburn, has collaborated with South Eastern Regional College (SERC) to create a specialist training partnership designed to help accredit and regulate both the new build and retrofit insulation industry. The training was funded through the Department for the Economy’s Skills Focus Training Programme.
The new qualification has been introduced to help improve the installation of insulation and will ultimately help to promote best practice, improve energy efficiency, reduce carbon emissions and greatly improve health issues associated with sub-standard homes.
Energystore are market leaders in the production and installation of domestic and commercial cavity wall insulation and are the largest manufacturers of EPS blown bead in the UK.
Energystore Operations Manager Mark Hunter said “The training has been designed to help regulate and increase confidence in the insulation industry. With the need to make our homes more efficient, a buoyant new build homes market, challenging energy saving targets and the availability of government grants, the insulation market has grown rapidly in recent years. For the 42% of households living in fuel poverty in Northern Ireland, high quality home insulation can make a huge improvement to their wellbeing.”
SERC Commercial Contracts Manager Elaine Flynn said: “There is a huge need to up skill and train insulation installers across the province. SERC is primed to deliver accredited environmental training and is already at the coalface, helping to equip installers with the skills that will be needed to rise to the challenges of sustainable construction to help the UK meet its carbon reduction target.
“Having trained, knowledgeable staff with relevant qualifications is extremely important in meeting the regulatory requirements in the industry and when tendering for work. SERC has built up a strong reputation in providing bespoke training packages to help meet the requirements of a wide range of sectors.”
This training partnership is the latest development by SERC to create the highest quality training environment for local business.
SERC provides a variety of compliance training and assessment packages that can be tailored to suit individual requirements. To find out how your business can get results from SERC please visit the website at or call our business services team on 0345 600 7555.