Uniper’s Engineering Academy is among the first swathe of organisations in the UK to win government accreditation enabling it to offer new apprenticeships training as part of the new Apprenticeship Levy, which went ‘live’ last week (April 6th).
The Engineering Academy, based in Ratcliffe-on-Soar, Nottingham, received the green light from the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), and is now an accredited member of the Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers (RoATP).
To win a place on the register, organisations must satisfy the ESFA’s strict criteria covering due diligence, capability, quality and financial health and their capability to deliver high-quality apprenticeship training.
“This is fantastic news for all of our existing and potential apprentice levy – and non-levy – paying customers, because it means that we will be able to offer funded apprenticeships under all new trailblazer standards,” said David Hughes, Head of Uniper’s Engineering Academy.
“It also means we can offer a far greater funding amount towards our mechanical, electrical, control and instrumentation, operator and dual fuel smart meter apprenticeships.”
Uniper’s Engineering Academy has been delivering highly regarded, funded apprenticeships for many years.
“We’re really proud of the Academy and what we have to offer,” said David. “We’ve currently got 65 apprentices on our books, and we’d like to hear from any organisations that are due to start paying the apprenticeship levy and want to see how the Academy could support their business – or who want to find out more about the levy and our apprenticeship options.”
About Uniper: Uniper’s generation portfolio makes an important, tangible contribution to Britain’s supply security. It owns and operates a diverse portfolio of power generation and gas assets with a capacity of over 6,000 MW, and gas storage in excess of 160 mcm, making it the fifth largest generator in the UK. Its combined activities in the UK provide employment for around 1,000 people.
An international energy company and leading European energy producer with a global commodities trading business, Uniper operates in more than 40 countries. It combines a balanced portfolio of technologically-advanced large-scale assets with outstanding technical and commercial expertise, and a firm commitment to developing energy technologies for the future.
To get in touch with the Uniper Engineering Academy, email Andrew Hawksworth