West London College is proud to be a finalist in West London Business Awards for the second year running

West London College (@westlondoncol) has been shortlisted as a finalist in the category ‘Education and Training Provider of the Year’ for the second year running.
West London College scooped the coveted award in the same category last year for its innovative approach towards Inclusive Apprenticeships. The College successfully placed two inclusive apprentices with the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea on their Reception and in their Archiving Section of the Print Room, as well as, creating two teaching support apprenticeships at the College.
This year the College will be judged on its submission to support London’s economic recovery and the work it is doing with local Job Centres to re-skill those impacted by the fallout from Covid, providing pathways back into jobs and further training.
The winners in each category, as well as the much sought-after title of ‘West London Company of the Year 2021’, will be announced at the awards ceremony on Thursday 4th February 2021. In a sign of the times, West London Business will be hosting the ceremony online – though attendees should expect as much glitter, glitz and glam as ever!
The awards celebrate the talent, entrepreneurship and resilience of west London businesses to a national and international audience.
Though 2020 has created some challenging circumstances for West London’s Business community, the situation has led to some of the most innovative and successful business practices seen in the eight years the Awards have been running, proving that, as ever, West London is ‘Open for Business’.
A milestone event in the region’s business calendar, the Awards recognise the outstanding achievements of organisations and individuals across five themes: SME sector leadership, sustainable & responsible business, economic resilience, corporate leadership, and individual leadership.
David Warnes, Deputy Principal of West London College said:
“Working closely with local employers and West London Business is the cornerstone of our approach at West London College. We can help to provide the workforce for West London in areas of skills shortage, improve business performance through training and forge partnerships with other training and employment organisations as well as government departments to enable joined up and effective working between all agencies.”
Andrew Dakers, CEO of West London Business said:
“In a sign of how dynamic West London’s economy is, one of the key outcomes to remember from 2021’s awards will be the exceptionally large number of industry defining practices developed this year. Entrants this year have taken the idea of business resilience to the next level, and shown themselves to be world class innovators and change makers. Our judges were particularly pleased to note so many businesses demonstrating that they’re at the heart of their communities, stepping up to the plate when they were most needed due to COIVID. The Awards night this year will be a chance to reward our regions’ community champions. People and companies who haven’t just demonstrated excellence in adapting to unprecedented shifts in our economy, but also in what it means to be a socially responsible business.”