Wirral Met College partners with modular housing innovators, Starship to boost local skills

Wirral Met students set to deliver next generation of carbon zero homes in unique partnership with Starship Group.
Wirral Met College has become the first FE provider to partner with the ground-breaking modular housing developer.
The unique partnership will offer hundreds of students from Wirral Met College’s construction campus the chance to develop their skills and knowledge in manufacturing and construction on site and in campus.
Earlier in the year the net zero modular housing manufacturer moved its entire manufacturing arm back to the Wirral creating a manufacturing centre at the heart of Peel L&P’s Wirral Waters.
The centre will offer Wirral Met College students high quality on site and work placements on site.
Starship Group was founded in 2019 and quickly rose to prominence in the modular housing market due to its use of innovative technology and carbon zero credentials, adding Urban Splash director Simon Humphries to the team in August this year.
While much of the construction takes place in the controlled factory environment, the final fit-out is completed on site thereby offering students insight into key areas of manufacturing, processing, control and construction.
The idea of a partnership first started at the launch of Peel L&P’s Hythe office at Wirral Waters, Starship’s new headquarters, through students’ involvement in its creation.
The partnership aims to deliver new, high-quality curriculum, work placements, onsite visits and masterclasses from MMC specialists. This partnership truly aligns us within the green skills agenda and will be embedded within our Construction curriculum to keep us abreast with modern technology in Construction.
Dave Dargan, managing director at Starship Group, said:
“We are really excited to be launching our ground-breaking partnership with Wirral Met College which will see us working together to create next generation skills in new low carbon homes and low carbon construction methods.
From our Wirral Waters Campus’, we will be working on promoting the significant job opportunities that exist here and across the UK in the off-site sector and creating engaging learning experiences for people of all ages to develop new skills and build a career in off-site construction. We can’t wait to get started.”
Sue Higginson, Principal of Wirral Met College said:
“It is fantastic to see the journey progress – our students helped to build their own campus and then Hythe, the new headquarters for Starship and from that we have now begun this new chapter working in partnership.
“This partnership will enable our students to build their knowledge of cutting edge zero carbon technology. It truly aligns us within the green skills agenda and will be embedded within our construction curriculum.
“We look forward to working with Starship and seeing our students gain the skills they need to be at the forefront of modern construction technologies.”
Richard Mawdsley, Director of Development for Peel L&P’s Wirral Waters commented:
“This is the latest chapter in the strategic partnership between Wirral Met College and Wirral Waters, with the college now fully engaged in almost every aspect of this active regeneration project.
“Starship Group are a great pioneering business delivering sustainable new homes, and they share our passion for the Wirral and our desire to positively impact on the local community.
“The construction industry is changing and innovating all the time, and modern methods of construction, including modular delivery, are fast becoming a significant part of the housing mix. This partnership will allow the students at the college to stay ahead of the curve.”