Working Links appoints former apprentice as new Head of Apprenticeships
SKILLS experts Working Links have appointed former apprentice Emma Barrett-Peel to a newly-created position of Head of Apprenticeships to spearhead its work across the country.
Emma will be supported by a team of specially recruited sector experts to deliver a range of Apprenticeships in professional business services, retail, customer service and leadership and management throughout England.
Employers will be supported using a consultative approach to find the best training solutions for businesses regardless of size and ambition.
Brighton-based Emma was an apprentice and the ‘on the job’ route created opportunities for her to become a business manager, taking on her own apprentices, before rising through the ranks to successfully manage Apprenticeships provisions for independent training providers, such as Catch 22. Emma believes in the value of Apprenticeships, which has brought her to Working Links, where she now leads the charge for work-based training.
She said: “I’m delighted to be leading Working Links’ work in this area. I and the team are really passionate about what Apprenticeships can bring to organisations, and the career prospects they give to learners.
“We understand that finding and keeping the right people is vital to the success of businesses and we tailor our services accordingly. We’re here to help employers understand and navigate the Apprenticeship Levy and help them grow through investing in skills.”k
Working Links was founded in 2000 and operates across England, Scotland, Wales, Republic of Ireland and the Middle East. It is a unique organisation, providing tailored services to help people maximise their potential.
It delivers a range of innovative interventions to help create positive futures for people, their families and their communities.
Starting life out as solely an employability provider, the organisation has helped more than a quarter of a million people back into work.
It now works across a range of different funding streams, including local, central and overseas governments, offering support to people aged 11 upwards. It plays an instrumental role in the UK government’s Transforming Rehabilitation agenda, owning three Community Rehabilitation Companies.
Working Links helps and supports people who face significant challenges and barriers such as long-term unemployed people, people with convictions, lone parents and people with health challenges.
Working across society dealing with diverse needs and expectations, Working Links offers valued and integrated services that meet the needs of the people it helps. Its understanding and hands on experience means it is also working collaboratively to shape and develop government policies to ensure they succeed for future societies.
Working Links places partnerships at the heart of its delivery. It works closely with public, private and voluntary sector organisations and employers of all industries to bring a wealth of resources to all working relationships. It holds an ‘excellent’ Merlin Standard rating – the top score in supply chain management evaluation.