Student filmmakers urge locals to get snappy about rubbish and recycling

Students from Barking & Dagenham College have created a viral video to encourage people to create less rubbish.
The talented HND Film and Media students have cleverly reworked Pharrell Williams’ international smash hit ‘Happy’ to give it an environmental twist. Through song, dance and humour the students urge residents to get ‘snappy’ about the rising tide of domestic waste and to support the council’s ‘slim your bin’ campaign. The short film encourages residents to recycle more and to snap their domestic bin lids shut to ensure they are not overfilled.
Behind the fun there’s a serious message, says Director Chris Thorne. “Like lots of young people we’re worried about the environment so it seemed a great way to learn our trade and promote waste reduction at the same time”, said Chris. “It was a team effort with friends, fellow students and volunteers from the Frizlands Recycling depot pitching in ideas and time to produce a viral video we can share.”
Yvonne Kelly, Principal and CEO, Barking & Dagenham College said: “We were delighted that the council asked our media and film students to create the video for their ‘Slim your Bin’ campaign. It was a valuable real work project for the students, giving them the opportunity to develop their skills to a live client brief.
“This sort of collaboration with local organisations, providing real work opportunities for our students, is an integral part of our vocational programmes at Barking & Dagenham College.”
Ewan Bruce, the students’ tutor added: “I hope people can enjoy the video and snap their bins shut! Recycling in the borough is important and I’m very proud of the work done by students at the College.”