A Better Deal for Teachers is the only route to ending the injustice of racial pay gaps, stifled career progression and discrimination in the workplace, the Black Teachers Consultation Conference of NASUWT-The Teachers Union has heard in Birmingham today.
The NASUWT is urging the government and employers to close the discriminatory gap in pay and career progression between Black teachers and their White colleagues through a Better Deal for Teachers. Just 54% of Black teachers, who were expecting to move up the pay scale in 2020/21 following their performance review, told the NASUWT they actually did move up the pay scale compared to 74% White teachers.
Nearly all Black teachers have reported feeling somewhat or very worried about their financial situation, a recent survey by the NASUWT has revealed.
Only 3 in 10 Black teachers are satisfied with how they are being treated at work, boding yet further deterioration of the recruitment and retention crisis for the school workforce.
At the NASUWT Black Teachers Conference, members will call for an end to discriminatory pay and appraisal systems, action to tackle excessive workload burdens, and improved access to career progression opportunities.
Dr Patrick Roach, NASUWT General Secretary and Chair of the TUC’s Anti-racism Taskforce, said:
“The Government’s refusal to address systemic and institutional inequality is responsible for Black teachers and Black students being left behind.
“Ministers could take immediate action to tackle racialised pay gaps and discrimination in the workplace by strengthening regulation, but they have refused to do so.
“Too many Black teachers experience discrimination when they apply for jobs or for promotion, and are more likely to be subject to competence or disciplinary procedures forcing them prematurely out of work.
“Instead of educating pupils for racial justice, the system is in danger of reinforcing the prejudice and inequality that exists within society generally.
“The Government needs to show that it is on the side of all teachers by taking action to stamp out racial discrimination.
“The NASUWT won’t accept superficial gestures and empty rhetoric from the Government. Enough is enough.
“We are unequivocal in our demands for a Better Deal for Teachers which is the only solution to end the injustice of racial inequality within the school workforce.”