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ScreenSkills (@UKScreenSkills) launches free online training for people interested in working in the screen industries

A new suite of five online learning modules has been launched to support people looking to get their first break in the screen industries.

The free online training modules, under the title Getting into the screen industries, we redeveloped with support from the BFI, awarding National Lottery funds as part of its Future Film Skills strategy. Arts Council England supported the launch of the online learning platform.

The suite starts with an introduction to working in the screen industries and the various roles involved. Participants taking the remaining modules will then learn how to identify the right role for their skills, how to find work, how to apply for a role and how to perform well at interview.

The free online training is designed to complement existing resources and open up the screen industries to a greater diversity of talent and better equip new entrants for starting work in them.

The modules are part of a suite of e-learning available on the ScreenSkills website and join Tackling harassment and bullying at work, Addressing unconscious bias: basic awareness in the workplace, and  Coronavirus basic awareness on production, which have been taken by 90,000 people since launch. Two other new modules, Introduction to mental health awareness at work and Inclusive hiring, are also launching this month.

Tim Weiss, ScreenSkills Director of Vocational Skills, said: “ScreenSkills provides a wide range of training and resources for people who want to get into the screen industries, as well as for those looking to develop their careers. These new Getting into the screen industries e-learning modules are an invaluable addition for students or those at the beginning of their career journey looking to find out more.

“Although the sector is booming and there are vast skill shortages, many are not aware of the best practical steps to take to find and apply successfully for a role. Our new modules address all these issues and provide a simple but effective way of informing people about ways into the screen industries.”

This module was developed in conjunction with Alison Grade, screen industry expert and author of The Freelance Bible.

Alison Grade said: “If we genuinely want to attract and recruit a diversity of talent, it is important that we demystify the entry routes into the industry and give new entrants to the industry the tools to plot their career and present themselves in the best possible light. These modules give aspiring screen workers and new entrants invaluable information on how to find and get the work they are best suited to.”

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