AELP’s Mark Dawe on Degree Apprenticeships

This is part 5 and our final part of our Wembley tour series of podcasts with Mark Dawe, Chief Executive of the Association of Employment and Learning Providers (AELP). In this episode, we chat about Degree Apprenticeships. How Degree Apprenticeships have changed the landscape of Work Based Learning and how Work Based Learning could change the delivery of HE to be more workplace focussed.
There has a been an explosion in the growth of Degree Apprenticeships (Hema Tank, Associate Dean at The London Institute of Banking & Finance wrote an article last week that Degree Apprenticeships had grown 594% in a Year!).
Mark explains that with Degree Apprenticeships and Level 7 / Masters Level Apprenticeship programmes there is now a real Level 2 to Level 7 Work Based Learning. The AELP now has 20 Universities as members. Mark highlights two key points:
Mark highlights the need for Post 18 funding to take into account the shift in demand for Degree Apprenticeship programmes. In Higher Education there is around £10 Billion for ‘full time programmes’, half could be used for Degree Apprenticeships. This would not be taking money away from Universities, but would provide delivery in a different setting, outside of the University campus and in the work place.
Mark goes onto say:
How exciting would it be to see half of HE delivered in the work place, rather than in buildings dotted around the country.
He then goes onto highlight that the Apprenticeship Levy on it’s own cannot sustain Degree and Masters level programmes. He recommends that scarce Government funding would be better put to use to help disadvantaged learners and small businesses that struggle to afford the 10% employer contribution that is required at the moment.
Please click on the image below to hear what Mark has to say about the Degree Apprenticeship developments of now and the future:
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We have called this our Wembley tour of Apprenticeships with Mark (as we recorded this at a 3aaa conference in Wembley). Here are the links to podcasts number 1 to 4 in the series (just in case you missed them):
In the first podcast Mark chats about End Point Assessment & AELP’s plans for the future workforce development.
In the second podcast in the series, Mark discusses pre-Apprenticeships and Level 2
The third podcast Mark discusses 20% off the job in Apprenticeships
The fourth podcast Mark discusses SME’s and Apprenticeships