Biggest impact has been within younger apprentices – Apprenticeships and traineeships: January 2021

Statistics covering apprenticeships and traineeships in England (August to October 2020, reported to date).
Ruth Johnson, business development manager, Bud Systems, said:
“The figures released by the DFE on apprenticeship start volumes are not surprising; they reflect what we have been hearing and seeing throughout our training provider network over the last quarter. Yet, they provide a line in the sand and a target for the industry to work towards to get apprenticeship numbers back on track.
“We can see that the biggest impact has been within younger apprentices, particularly in the under-25 category. Independent training providers in various sectors have sadly seen their learner numbers plummet for a multitude of reasons. Obviously, the hospitality, fitness and leisure sectors have seen the biggest declines in both new and existing learners, with many opting for a break in learning whilst away from the day job. But other sectors, such as healthcare and education, are also seeing examples of learner decline due to the additional pressures they face in their working roles.
“Speaking to our training provider network, the general mood is positive and they are expecting the numbers to return fairly quickly, once the lockdown restrictions ease. Health and social care apprenticeships as well as nursing degree level courses are expected to continue to rise sharply with some training providers looking to triple their learner numbers. We expect there will be a shift in focus from ITP’s to some of these sectors to ensure that they can facilitate learners where it’s most needed.
“Looking ahead, the new apprenticeship funding combined with the alterations outlined in the FE white paper around employers having more autonomy to design apprenticeship curriculum to suit the roles of the future will help to open up new quality work opportunities for the young.”
Apprenticeships and traineeships: January 2021
This publication contains apprenticeship and traineeship statistics for England, reported to date, for the first quarter (August to October 2020) of the 2020 to 2021 academic year. Specifically:
- apprenticeships (aged 16 and over)
- traineeships (aged 16 to 24)
Related official statistics covering the apprenticeship service and ‘Find an apprenticeship’ are also included.
Published 28 January 2021