From education to employment

College welcomes new Patron forProfessional Curriculum 

Fran Williams, Head of People for Playtonic Games is set to inspire students at Burton and South Derbyshire College (BSDC) as their new Patron of Professional Curriculum. 

The College has secured Fran as the latest patron to join the College’s impressive list of patrons and employer partners across a broad range of areas, who play an important role as motivators, role models and industry experts.  

BSDC’s network of patrons mean that students benefit from an industry-led curriculum, access to key industry contacts and the opportunity to work on live briefs for real companies. This supports the College in delivering its Skills Promise and ensuring that when students complete their course, they will be job ready with the transferable skills and qualities they need to make an impact in their chosen industry or profession. 

Fran has lived in Burton for most of her life and has always felt proud to represent the town. She has completed several qualifications at BSDC, including AVCE in Business, AAT Foundation and ILM Leadership and Management. She has a range of experience in business, from start-up businesses to working for large companies such as Cadbury. She also previously ran her own fitness and wellbeing business.  

Fran Williams commented: “I am absolutely delighted to be asked to be Patron of Professional Curriculum at Burton and South Derbyshire College. It is a privilege to have greater involvement and know that I can share my experiences and guidance to those attending the college. I want each student to feel they have support and someone they can go to, who will help them break down any limiting beliefs, so they know they can achieve any dream they set out to achieve.” 

Fran added: “I love people and my passion is to give people the belief that they have the power inside of them to achieve anything they want to.  It may take longer than you’d like sometimes, however if you stay dedicated, be willing to learn, listen and believe in yourself, you will get to where you want to be. My ethos is MLK: Mindset, Learning and Kindness.  If you focus on the power of your mind, do what you can to keep mentally well, be willing to learn, have a mentor, don’t be complacent and ultimately do everything with kindness, you will be happy, successful and the best version of you.” 

John Beaty, Principal of Burton and South Derbyshire College, added: “We’re delighted to have Fran joining our network of patrons. Fran brings with her a wealth of experience in professional services and will be an extremely inspirational figure for our learners who are just starting out in their careers. As a patron, Fran’s input will be important in shaping the curriculum to suit the demands of employers, feeding the aspiration and ambition of students and providing real careers insight.” 

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