Leading alternative economic summer university returns to Vienna for its ninth year
An international summer university, which looks at ways of transforming economic policy through environmental awareness, is returning in-person this year after two years online.
Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems (AEMS)in Vienna, Austria attracts students and professionals from around the world, who have a keen interest in economics systems and how that can directly impact sustainability and climate change.
The programme features notable lecturers in their field, including climate expertHelga Kromp-Kolb and the founder of the Economy for the Common Good Christian Felber.
Over three weeks, students receive first class teaching, and also have time to live in and explore Vienna.
Four modules are covered. The first, ‘Economics with Social and Ecological Values,’ looks at the current global socio-economic situation and explores the idea of endless economic growth, system boundaries and climate change.
Module two, ‘Society Money and Institutions,’ looks at how financial markets can serve the broader interests of society, rather than dominate them. This module also covers complementary and regional currencies.
The third module, ‘Towards A Social Ecological Economy’ investigates available alternatives for reforming the economic and financial systems from a holistic perspective, with the final module focusing on a wrap-up and synthesis.
Günther Jedliczka, CEO of OeAD student housing, which organises AEMS, said:
“It’s great to see AEMS returning in person to Vienna this year.
“The course attracts a broad audience including undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as people with interests and careers in politics, philosophy, economics and finance.
“AEMS challenges the status-quo and allows for discussion and fresh ideas to be considered by our future generations.”
This year’s AEMS takes place from July 18 to August 5 in Vienna.
A new brochure for the summer university has been produced, detailing the comprehensive programme and activities taking place over the three weeks, which can be viewed at https://issuu.com/mayaspr/docs/aems_2022_brochure_-_final
OeAD student housing – part of Austria’s national agency for international mobility and cooperation in education, science and research – operates AEMS under a not-for-profit arrangement.
Registration information and more details can be found at https://www.oeadstudenthousing.at/en/summer-universities/aems/
The deadline for applications is 30 June 2022. The deadline to apply for scholarships is 2 May 2022.
As well as AEMS, OeAD student housing also runs the Green.Building.Solutions. (GBS) summer university which, like AEMS, will take place in 2022 in-person in Vienna, from July 16 to August 7. More at https://www.oeadstudenthousing.at/en/summer-universities/gbs/)