From education to employment

Wales’ Minister for Economy praises learners at ACT!

Vaughan Gething, Wales’ Minister for Economy, was greeted by staff and learners at ACT’s Cardiff headquarters. The MS saw the Welsh Government’s flagship Jobs Growth Wales + (JGW+) programme being carried out, at the leading training and education provider’s Ocean Park House centre.

He observed hands-on learners, who were simulating real workplaces, and spoke to staff, during his visit on Tuesday, August 23. With specialist equipment, Care learners took part in mock working environments, giving them a taste of careers in childcare and adult care. This included making play areas safe from dangerous items and choking hazards. They were challenged to remove harmful items from a sandpit, after which they told the Minister of their plans for the future.

Some learners, in the Engagement group, were busy working on budgeting and managing money, in preparation for when they become employed. They discussed how they could balance money for food, rent, internet and car payments, with Mr Gething. 

Mock interview sessions were also held with the World of Work learners and guidance was given on CVs. Learners told the Minister that they’d like to work in such sectors as physiotherapy and construction, after they complete courses on the JGW+ programme.

Vaughan Gething said:

“It’s always great to call into ACT, to see and understand what they’re doing to help learners on their journey. That’s not just about qualifications, it’s about understanding the different challenges they’ll have in life to get to this point, but also in the wider world of work.”

He added: “I’m really impressed to meet people here, to understand the choices they’re making to take care of themselves and to invest in their own futures.”

Richard Spear, ACT’s Managing Director, said:

“It was great to welcome the Minister to ACT and show him how the Welsh Government’s investment in the JGW+ programme is changing lives. We offer our learners flexible and specialist support to tackle any barriers they face. Our learners have fun whilst improving their skills, and they participate in exciting enrichment experiences that help them grow personally and professionally.”

He added “As always, the Minister engaged our learners with interest and passion and inspired them on their learning journeys.”

The JGW+ programme is tailored to each individual learners’ need, whether they’re unsure on what to do next, or have a clear focus. 

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