7 Qualities Of A Good Tutor
We spend most of our lives working. Yes, you read correctly: not in a dream, but in work. This is the new rule of the active person of the 21st century, which you want, do not want, but have to take for granted. Of course, we can quote the greats that it is necessary to work not 24 hours a day, but with your head… This, too, has its own truth, but the all-consuming work (without a sign plus or minus) is and is not going anywhere.
Being a tutor is emotionally difficult, requiring effort and time, physical, but, most importantly, emotional preparation. That’s why it’s so important that the tutor really wants to help the student in what subject he struggles. even if it is a teacher providing online tutoring. The difference between “need” and “want” to someone may seem significant and with the “selfish” skew of the second word, but it is of great importance. If a person does not WANT to do something, and works, if not from under a stick, but at least out of habit, or because society is so WANT, then it does not lead to anything good. Therefore, it is worth remembering such important qualities as:
- desire to participate in the program for a long time. Yes, Rome was not built in a week either;
- respect for the individual, their abilities and the right to make their own choices in life. A very important quality for tutors working with teenagers;
- No Superman Syndrome. Let’s be clear: tutors should not assume that their own solutions are the only correct ones, or that those of subordinate-friends should be saved.
- listening (which we’ve already written about) as well as an important skill to take different points of view. Tutors often help by simply listening, asking thoughtful questions and giving the scent to explore their own thoughts with minimal intervention;
- empathy or emotional intelligence; Emotional intelligence is recognized as the most important (attention!) competence that the younger generation should receive, starting with kindergarten. Beyond the intellectual sphere, there are huge resources. These are emotions, the ability to understand others and themselves, as well as to live in conditions of constant self-development. It is emotions that give teenagers motivation to learn and become positive psychology. This applies to adults no less: some organizations even have an emotional climate specialist position. And the final two points, which, frankly, were not easy for us:
the ability to see solutions and opportunities, as well as obstacles. Effective mentors are able to realistically assess the problems faced by teenagers, the best tutors are able to keep an eye on the difficulties faced by their students, and are always able to get in position and help in finding realistic solutions;
flexibility and openness. And we’re not talking about the trendy agile methodology that many of you have heard about. Effective Tutors recognize that relationships require time for development and are ready to devote it. Moreover, they are ready to change themselves under the influence of collaboration.