Gower College Swansea student named VQ Intermediate Learner of the Year 2019

Former Gower College Swansea student Collette Gorvett has been named Intermediate Learner of the Year at the VQ Awards 2019.
Collette, who now works at The Ritz in London, joined Gower College Swansea in 2015 to study the Level 1 Diploma in Professional Cookery before progressing through to Level 3 Diploma in Advanced Professional Cookery, Kitchen and Larder.
In addition to her academic achievements, Collette’s involvement in skills competitions at Welsh, British and European levels have made her an outstanding advocate for vocational learning. She has recently gained a place on Team UK and will represent her country at the WorldSkills Finals in Russia in August.
“Collette has been an incredible role model and ambassador,” said Mark Clement, Learning Area Manager. “She has supported the Inspiring Skills project by performing demonstrations to lecturing staff at numerous Welsh colleges. In addition, she has been an inspiration to all upcoming competitors, encouraging them to dedicate themselves to upskilling and openly sharing her competition experience.”
Of the learners shortlisted for a prestigious VQ Award this year, three were from Gower College Swansea. In addition to Collette, HNC student Reagan Locke, who works at Tata Steel, and Health and Social Care student Alex Davies were also nominated.
VQ Day celebrates vocational achievement and the benefits of technical, practical and vocational learning to both the individual and the UK economy
The VQ Awards are jointly organised by the Welsh Government, the National Training Federation for Wales (NTfW), ColegauCymru/CollegesWales, Qualifications Wales and the Education Workforce Council. The Welsh Government’s funding has support from the European Social Fund.