College introduces new programme to promote sports participation
After four years of study at Mid-Cheshire College, sports student, Malcolm Tudor has been rewarded for his successful studies by landing a new job at the college’s Hartford Campus.
Malcolm has been appointed as a Sport Co-ordinator, and his directive is to encourage and increase the number of students taking part in sport and physical activities. The Government has invested additional funding to ensure that all students aged 16-19 have the opportunity to participate in 3 hours of sport each week, delivered through college, community and club providers.
"I want to find out what sporting interests the students have, and encourage them to become involved in community sport. I will be liaising with local sports clubs and providers to promote their programmes" said Malcolm.
Malcolm returned to study in 2004 after a cycling accident left him with a spinal injury. Looking to change career, he embarked on a Foundation Degree in Coaching and Sports Development, which he successfully achieved, as well as a teacher training qualification.
"I have strived to become a role model and voice for sport and to also encourage students with disabilities to attend college and participate fully. This is why I am now starting this new and exciting job," Malcolm commented.