CONEL’s Jack Petchey award ceremony for ESOL students

The College of Haringey, Enfield and North East London held a Jack Petchey Awards ceremony to celebrate high performing ESOL Entry Levels 1, 2 and 3 students this week (Thursday, 22nd June 2017).
Students were nominated by their peers and the three students with the most nominations from each ESOL class won awards. Principal Andy Forbes presented the awards at the ceremony. He said: “English is a key that opens a lot of doors for youngsters around the world; English is a platform for success. These ESOL students now have their passport to success”. The winners also received £250 to spend on an educational trip of their choice or on equipment for the classroom.
Esmeralda Imeraj, a student who has progressed from ESOL to Business Level 1, said: “It feels great to win this award as it motivates me for the future. I want to keep working hard, as I want to become a lawyer.”
After the ceremony the students celebrated the end of their studies with cake and music before heading off into the sun. Oya Karabetca the curriculum team leader in ESOL, said: “This is a great opportunity for learners to see that their hard work pays off. Also, our young learners see that their achievements are recognised and celebrated. We would like to thank Jack Petchey as without the funding the students would not be able to go on trips or get special equipment for our classes.”
Overall, it was a great day during which all the hard work of our ESOL students was recognised and rewarded. If you want to check ESOL courses at the College of Haringey, Enfield and North East London, Click here.