Derby College Group provision condensed to Broomfield Hall college campus for children of key workers and vulnerable students

@DerbyCollege Group students will be encouraged and supported to work remotely except for those children of key workers and vulnerable young people
Due to only a limited number of students requiring direct access to Derby College Group (DCG) facilities under the new arrangements, from tomorrow (Tuesday March 24) all provision will be condensed to the Broomfield Hall college in Morley for children of key workers and vulnerable students.
Therefore the Roundhouse, Joseph Wright Centre and Ilkeston Community College will not be open to students who have all been advised of the change in arrangements to ensure that appropriate support is available to those who need it.
A spokesperson said: “The situation is under constant review and we are delighted that online teaching arrangements are working well.”
The Prime Minister and Education Secretary announced on Friday that all colleges will close for most students until further notice.
However, The Education Secretary has recognised the vital civic role that colleges can, and do, play with a request to help key workers to stay in work and support vulnerable students.
In light of this request all Derby College Group students will be encouraged and supported to work remotely except for those children of key workers and vulnerable young people who will be allowed access to the Broomfield Hall college campus in Morley and use the online learning resources provided within a safe environment.
The College campuses that will be no longer be open are:
- Ilkeston Community College
- The Roundhouse (main site and not Hudson and Johnson Buildings)
- The Joseph Wright Centre
The Broomfield Hall campus will be operating on reduced opening hours for these students – open at 10am and close at 4pm.
Students attending the Broomfield Hall campus will have access to teachers, welfare and support services. We will continually monitor access to our campuses and will post on our website any changes to these arrangements.
All other students and apprentices were asked to end their attendance at College at the close of Thursday but had an opportunity to obtain work and guidance from their teachers and assessors before Friday 20 March.
Work placements and experience events will be postponed.
Apprentices’ attendance in their workplaces will be determined by their employers.
Teachers and assessors will make arrangements to ensure students and apprentices have access to learning materials, whether they be online or in paper form.
Students and apprentices will continue to be supported during their online learning by all the support services, and if there are any questions, whether they be IT related, welfare, safeguarding or study support, in the first instance they should telephone 0800 028 0289 and their call will be appropriately directed. Regular updates will be posted on the Group’s website