ESFA weekly round-up – Issue 371
Education & Skills Funding Agency’s weekly round-up of business-critical information to ESFA-funded colleges, other training organisations and direct grant employers. (13 Sept 2017)
HE learning aim request: due 29 September 2017
Providers requesting new learning aims for prescribed Higher Education provision for the 2016 to 2017 funding year must submit the completed form and approval letter to ESFA by Friday, 29 September.
This will allow them to be created and uploaded to the Learning Aim Reference Service (LARS) database for the R14 ILR submission that opens on Monday, 9 October and closes on Tuesday, 19 October.
Any requests received after this date for 2016 to 2017 may not be processed in time for the final R14 ILR submission.
The completed form and approval letter should be emailed to the ESFA service desk.
2. Year-end funding claims 2016 to 2017
The funding claims 2016 to 2017 guidance will aid and inform providers to complete their year-end claims.
The 2016 to 2017 year-end claim form will be available on the Hub from 1pm Friday, 15 September and will close at 5pm Wednesday, 20 September. The form will be pre-populated with your earnings following the R13 data collection return. Once you have submitted your year-end funding claim on the Hub, you will also be able to view it on the Skills Funding Service.
ESFA have published a user guide to help you complete the form.
For further information or related queries, please email the ESFA service desk.
3. Feedback on withdrawal of frameworks
ESFA are now asking for feedback on the 5th batch of frameworks until 6pm on Wednesday, 18 October.
They asked for feedback on the 4th batch of frameworks to be withdrawn earlier in the year and recently delayed the announcement of this process. They will announce the outcomes of both batches next year. The date for those we intend to withdraw to new starts will be no earlier than 1 January 2019.
For further information, refer to the removal of apprenticeship frameworks page on GOV.UK or contact the ESFA service desk.
4. Financial health assessment: new guidance
ESFA have published new guidance for the financial health assessment of existing and prospective providers wishing to deliver services on behalf of the ESFA. The guidance combines the processes of the previous Education Funding Agency and Skills Funding Agency.
It guides organisations through the assessment process and it is recommend you read it before making any submissions.