ETF launches free course for those starting FE teaching careers

The Education and Training Foundation (@E_T_Foundation) has launched a new resource to support those beginning careers in Further Education (FE) teaching and training. The ‘Preparing for a career in FE teaching and training’ course is free to access on the FutureLearn platform. It was developed by ETF with valuable contributions made by University of Portsmouth colleagues and the ETF and Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 Technical Teaching Fellows.
It is intended both for new and prospective graduates, and those currently in industry or the armed forces looking to transition into FE teaching or even to combine careers, as dual professionalism is strongly advocated. It explores the sector and the roles and opportunities available in it, introduces key teaching and learning theories, and looks at why FE is considered central to the vision set out by the Government in its Skills for Jobs White Paper.
The course can be studied flexibly in a way that best suits an individual’s personal and professional development needs, although it is suggested that it will require approximately two hours of study per week for six weeks. Accordingly, the course is structured in six parts:
Week one – Introducing the FE sector and technical teaching – looks at how prior skills and experience can enrich teaching and learning in various FE settings and provides an overview of the sector and plans for its reform and growth.
Week two – Thinking about learning – considers teaching and learning theories applicable to the sector, how good curriculum design can support the learner journey, and the characteristics of excellent technical teaching.
Week three – Subject knowledge and core skills – examines more advanced theories in technical teaching and learning, including subject context knowledge and occupational identity, as well as the minimum core skills of English, maths and digital, and obligations for teaching staff including responsibilities around safeguarding and Prevent. It also considers the Education Inspection Framework.
Week four – Learning from industry and the line of sight to work – focuses on the importance of effective, impartial careers education, information and advice for learners, advancing equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) through FE teaching, and embedding education for sustainable development (ESD) throughout all programmes.
In week five participants undertake an independent learning task.
Week six – Making the move – next steps – reflects on the course and the transition into teaching, brokering employment opportunities, and preparation for applying for FE teaching roles, including interviews and microteaches.