Fife College and Glenrothes College To Merge On August 1st
The final countdown has began this week on the August 1st merger of Glenrothes College and Fife College in Scotland. The new college will be known as The Adam Smith College, Fife and will become the third largest Scottish College with approximately 20,000 students, more than 800 staff and an expected annual turnover of £28 million.
“The new college will have even greater reach for engaging with learners across Scotland and overseas,” said Dr. Craig Thomson, the new Principal of the Adam Smith College.
This is a merger that has been building for a number of years, as both colleges have a long history of collaboration. In 2000, the two colleges jointly created the Institute of Applied Technology based in Kirkcaldy, bringing together a wealth of engineering programmes and staff experience.
This move set a precedent of excellence and, led by Fife College Principal Joyce Johnston, further joint ventures were soon established. Among them was the Institute of Business and Management (ib+m) which now delivers 75% of business and management training in Fife through a broad range of qualifications that includes Degrees, HNC/Ds, Professional Development Awards, NC/VQs and SVQs.
“By bringing together our staff expertise we will transform the face of education in Fife and substantially enhance the quality of education and training provision for people living and working in the Kingdom and the surrounding area,” commented Dr. Thomson.