Tools to help understand the spaces needed in mainstream school buildings for all age ranges from 3 to 19.


Notes on the Schedule of Accommodation tool: primary and secondary


Schedule of accommodation tool, version 7.4 (primary)


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Schedule of accommodation tool, version 7.4 (secondary)

XLSM, 2.01MB

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This guidance is used by the DfE and ESFA to identify the likely type and number of spaces in directly funded mainstream school projects. It can also be used to help with other school building projects.

The guidance is also for:

  • school providers
  • local authorities
  • dioceses
  • building professionals

Published 5 March 2015
Last updated 11 June 2019 + show all updates

  1. Summary and body copy updated. Excel attachments replaced with updated versions. HTML attachment updated with new text.
  2. First published.