Guidance: Risk protection arrangement for academy trusts: membership rules
The rules governing the risk protection arrangement (RPA) for academy trusts.
Risk protection arrangement (RPA) for academy trusts: membership rules
Ref: DFE-00168-2019PDF, 1MB, 110 pages
Risk protection arrangement (RPA) for academy trusts: membership rules for church academies
Ref: DFE-00169-2019PDF, 1MB, 106 pages
Guidance which shows the full risk protection arrangement (RPA) rules, including details of the cover.
A separate version for church academies is included.
Join the risk protection arrangement.
Published 17 June 2014
Last updated 16 August 2019 + show all updates
- Updated with the revised 2019 rules.
- Added updated RPA membership rules documents and link to sign-up form.
- Updated membership rules documents for academy trusts and church academies. The documents’ introductions explain what has changed.
- Updated membership rules documents for academy trusts and church academies. The documents’ introduction sections explain what has changed.
- Replaced documents to include updates on claims, definition of business, freezer contents cover, business interruption, theft exclusion, governors’ limit of liability and legal expenses.
- Updated to add a version of the membership rules for church academies.
- Updated with a new version of the RPA membership rules.
- Updated with new version of the RPA membership rules
- Link added to DfE expert advisers Willis under contact us section
- First published.